Let’s Talk Politics

Faithfully Engage the Election

Politics doesn’t have to be hard. Let’s Talk Politics will help your family or small group rise above the noise and have thoughtful conversation this election season.

Don’t argue. Don’t avoid. Instead, engage. Get equipped to have better, more respectful dialogue–in the comfort of your home! Learn from trusted voices, apply a biblical worldview, and have conversations that lead to wisdom.

THINQ Family, A Resource to Help:

  • Host thoughtful conversations in your home or small group

  • Establish regular rhythms for cultural discernment 

  • Engage current issues with a biblical worldview

  • Gain confidence in leading your direct circle of influence

Speakers & Topics

We’ve curated the best thought leaders to help cut through the division. Each talk will address politics with a biblical worldview so your family or small group can faithfully navigate the days ahead.

  • Build the Future

    Gabe Lyons
    President, THINQ Media

  • Pro-Child Politics

    Katy Faust
    Them Before Us

  • The Threat of Democracy

    William B. Allen + Dave Zanotti
    Political Scientist + American Policy Round Table

  • Voting Your Convictions

    Os Guinness
    Social Critic & Author

  • Hope Beyond Politics

    John Bevere
    Messenger International

How It Works



Create Your Account

Our generous donors make it possible to access THINQ’s relevant and trusted content. This resource is available to you when you give a gift of any amount to support THINQ’s vision.


Select the

We’ve curated five brief but powerful talks that will give your family or small group sound, biblical voices to help you discern our current political moment. You may watch all in one sitting or over the weeks leading up to the election.


Guide The Conversation

Enjoy the thought-provoking content and genuine discussion around these topics with your people. Nervous? Download our Guide to Better Conversation to help you prepare.

Who is this for?

According to a 2023 Pew Research study, 84% of adults say political debate has become less respectful over the last several years. As Christians, how are we to move forward with hope when it’s hard to debate ideas not people? How do we educate and equip our kids to navigate this and future political moments?

This event is designed as a resource to help you lead your family and friends to think well and have better conversations in your home, church and workplace.


+ Five 9 + 18 Min Talks with Customizable Options*

+ A Guide to Better Conversations

+ Discussion Questions

+ Printable Conversation Cards

* This content can be shown as a one-time event or spread over multiple sessions. Once signed up, our website will help you set up your evening.

What is Let’s Talk Politics?

What Is THINQ?

The mission of THINQ Media is to convene leaders, curate ideas, and host conversations that help Christians faithfully navigate culture while provoking the curiosity of nonbelievers. We do this through creating event experiences and resources that empower leaders to influence those they lead to think well and advance good in culture.


  • THINQ Family is an initiative of THINQ Media designed to help families engage and facilitate respectful conversation around the dinner table or living room coffee table. There’s so much chaos swirling around us in culture, but that doesn’t need to be true in our homes or in our families. We CAN have conversations that lead to Wisdom.

  • Because this gathering is geared around politics, it’s best if those engaged are able to understand complex government concepts and political issues. We recommend participants be older teens (voting age) and above.

  • You can host your event on any day and time that works best for you throughout the month of October. 

  • Any parent or small group leader who wants to encourage people to think well and navigate our current political moment is welcome to host this THINQ Family event.

  • This resource is available with a donation of any amount to support the vision of THINQ. Once registered, you will not only access Let’s Talk Politics, but you’ll have full access to our entire digital library of expert talks. Our generous donors make it possible for THINQ to continue to curate free and trusted content to help people faithfully navigate today's most pressing issues.

  • No, this content is available to you at no cost. Simply log into your THINQ Media account and you'll see the module for THINQ Family on the Home Screen beginning October 1.

  • THINQ Media is now available on all Smart TV apps. Download the THINQ Media Smart TV app in the App Store by searching "THINQ Media" and log into your existing THINQ Media account.