Engage In Conversations That Advance Good

Join other Christians for an evening of discussion around some of our culture’s most pressing issues.

THINQ Summit is a one-evening event designed to equip believers on how to think well about cultural conversations permeating today’s modern world.

From complex conversations around gender, sexuality and race to current issues like AI technology, a changing economy, public health and the widening generational gaps, the fevered marketplace is reaching new moral tipping points.

Christians are confused in the chaos of information and need space to understand the times and know what to do. THINQ Media is stepping into the gap between the culture – bent on its progressive pursuits–and the Church, whose scriptural mandate is to bring wisdom and truth to all those seeking answers.

Some topics need a conversation, not just a sermon. What better way to engage a new generation, than by building up their confidence that the Christian faith offers a better way rather than the delusions capturing the imagination of their friends.


Event Information


June 28 | 6:30PM

Join us on Wednesday, June 28 from 6:30-8:30PM.


Creekside Event Center

5515 Palmer Park Blvd, Colorado Springs, CO 80915


World Class Talks

A no topic off-limits approach, 9 and 18-minute talk format allows you to learn, reflect and respond with other leaders in the room.

You’re Invited

Pastor Brandon

Hey Zeal Family, 
Thank you so much for showing interest in our THINQ Summit event! As you could probably imagine, it is impossible for our pastoral team to cover every culturally problematic event or movement in our society with a limited time each Sunday. Our primary responsibility is to declare the Gospel of the Kingdom per Jesus’ command! That being said, Jesus gave us a command to love the Lord our God with all of our heart, soul, strength, and mind (Mark 12:30). With our thoughts, we are to exalt Jesus. This is why we are partnering with our friends at THINQ this summer!
Instead of our team dealing with these cultural ideas that I know are on your mind in monologue- fashion via a Sunday morning message, we are creating an environment where we can have dialogue with one another. After corporately viewing TED-talk style monologus, we will discuss the ideas in roundtable format. The topics coverd in this first iteration of the THINQ Summit are as follows: Understanding Gender Dysphoria, Grid Down Scenarios, Who is Teaching Your Kids, Confronting Demons, and UFOs and the Paranormal. I am so excited to host this night along with our amazing staff and team here at Zeal Church and would like to encourage you to make every effort possible to attend. Let’s talk about what it looks like to stay curious, think well, and advance good in terms of God’s Kingdom!

Can’t wait to see you there!

Pastor Brandon

Speakers & Topics

These topics were handpicked for our local body to be better educated and therefore ready to engage with both spirit and truth.

Register Today

Wednesday, June 28, 2023 at 6:30PM.


  • A THINQ Summit is a local event that allows churches, schools and organizations to equip those they lead to think well about cultural conversations permeating today's modern world. This one-night, two-hour event will create dialogue on the most pressing issues of our times.

  • This THINQ Summit has been curated by your church for you. Your pastors have designed this event to engage the most pressing issues in your community. Come join your local community for a night of thought provoking talks and conversations to follow.

  • This THINQ Summit is hosted by Zeal Church in partnership with THINQ Media. You can learn more about THINQ Media here.

  • If you have additional questions about this local THINQ Summit, please reach out to nathan@zealchurch.com.