RSVPPlease confirm your participation by completing and submitting the form below. We can’t wait to see you there. Will you be attending? * Yes No Name * First Name Last Name Email * Phone * (###) ### #### Company / Organization * T-Shirt Size * Choose your preferred size XS S M L XL XXL Do you have any dietary restrictions? Spouse Attending? * Yes No N/A Spouse's Name First Name Last Name Spouse's Email Spouse's Phone (###) ### #### Spouse's Company / Organization Spouse's T-Shirt Size Choose your preferred size XS S M L XL XXL Does your spouse have any dietary restrictions? Thank you for submitting your RSVP to the Patrons Gathering! We look forward to hosting you and being together in February. We will be in touch shortly with details to help you best prepare. Please reach out to Abby Coutant with any questions in the meantime (